Wednesday 7 November 2012

Shankarapali (Inippu Biscuit)

Here comes another very easy recipe. Most of us don't know the exact recipe and with no other choice we go to the nearest sweet store to get this small delicious biscuit. In most of the Mixtures(Savories in local Indian sweet shops) we can find this small sweet biscuit. I have no clue about the name of this recipe, just found from website, but generally in stores they call it as Inippu Biscuit. This is my sis fav too.

1 1/2 - 2 cups Plain Flour
1/3 cup Ghee (Clarified Butter)
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup full cream milk
A pinch of Cardamon powder
1 tablespoon Semolina/Rava
Oil for frying


  • Heat the pan in low flame and melt sugar in Milk and also add ghee and melt it till the sugar gets dissolved. Allow it to cool. Add the cardamon powder and rava to it.
  • Slowly add the plain flour and mix it, add the flour till you get a soft dough.
  • Knead into a soft pliable dough.
  • Divide the dough into big lemon size, roll into chapatis 1/3" thick.
  • Cut into small square shapes or any size as your choice.
  • Carefully transfer to a dry cloth or any non-stick surface, and allow it to dry for 1 hour.
  • Deep fry in hot oil over slow flame till light brown color.
  • Drain well and keep aside till cool.
  • Store in clean and dry container.


  • I used cookie cutter for different shapes, but the general shape we get from sweet store is square shape.
  • Slowly add the flour for kneading the dough, do not add all the flour at one time.
  • For extra flavor i added 1/2 teaspoon of Vanilla extract.
  • When you roll like thick chapatis dust the flour so that it won't be sticky.